Jennifer Lyon

Archive for March, 2022

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Monday, March 14th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

The weekend was pretty decent, despite the annoying time change. On Friday, I made another Marshall (from PAW Patrol) for Turbo’s cake next weekend, and he came out better. It’s not as good as I think I can do, but I’m keeping him in case I don’t have a chance to redo it before next Sunday (fondant is stable enough to keep a long time at room temp). Here’s a quick pick.

Saturday, we went out to see Turbo. We went to Turbo’s swimming lessons, then got him McDonalds. That part of the day was great. But when we left that morning before we left, I went to put Maggie on her leash and take her out front to go to the bathroom. I do this before we’re going to be gone for longer trips because I know she’ll empty her bladder in this one spot in the yard. Maggie knows this routine well. But this time, she ran to Wizard and hid with her tail tucked. We were both surprised as she never does that. We’ve been running about so much, I think she was just over it. But it was so unlike her, we both have kept an eye on her to see if something else is wrong, but nope, she’s eating fine and acting normal. I suspect she was just trying to get us to stay home or take her with us.

Sunday, Wizard went racing, while I did routine stuff and made a point of hanging out with Maggie and taking her for two walks.

Oh, I got annoyed with books I’ve been trying to listen to, that I pulled up an oldie — The Bride by Julie Garwood. I’m so enjoying relisting to this one! She was one of my favorite authors many year ago, and I was awestruck when I saw her at my very first conference. However I was so shy then I didn’t say anything to her. By the way, I’m still shy by nature, I just hide it well most of the time. Or I think I do :-)

Anyway, that was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, March 11th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF. I hope everyone has had a good week. Let’s dive into sharing five random things about our week.

  1. Maggie is pretty mad at me right now. Her blankets are in the wash and I put her thin car blanket on her chair. She’s not a fan of that blanket. What she wants is for me to go upstairs and get the one I keep up there in a closet. If I open the door (it’s a walk in closet) she runs in there and curls up on that blanket. One time I even accidently closed the door on her and left in in the dark closet for about 10 minutes until I realized she wasn’t following me around. When I opened the door, she was curled on her blanket–she didn’t care. But right now, she can’t believe I’m so mean that I’d force her to make do with her car blanket. It’s a rough life, people. For real.
  2. I practiced making Marshall from Paw Patrol out of fondant, It turned out so-s0, and then wilted because I forgot to put in Tylose powder (it helps firm up the fondant so it holds it’s shape).  I’m waiting for more fondant to arrive to practice again. I actually plan to use a plastic cake topper I bought, and the fondant Marshall will be an extra. So if I can’t do it, no big deal. Plus Turbo is young enough he’ll be fine as long as it’s chocolate cake. I’ve been so distracted by world events (depressed, outraged and worried are better words), that I haven’t obsessed in my usual way). I need to focus in because this cake is something I can control, the rest is not.
  3. I made dark chocolate sea salt cookies again at Wizard’s request. I froze most of them, and then we can pull them out as we like. Unfortunately we like them. A lot! But I’m doing yoga four times a week so it’s okay to eat cookies, right?
  4. Why do people stop in the middle of Costco aisles? Or leave their cart in the way of everyone to go look at something? Why are people so freaking oblivious in Costco? I see it in other stores, but it’s like some kind of zombie virus in Costco. On the upside, the lines move faster in Costco than anywhere else I’ve seen.
  5. The weekend is a mystery that I haven’t solved yet. In other words, we were busy with other stuff and it snuck up on us :-)  But I’m sure I’ll have something dazzling to say about it Monday…okay, I’m joking. My dazzle has dimmed lately :-)

Those are my less than dazzling five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
Jarred Out of a Story

I’m listening to the book GOOD AS DEAD on audio. It’s listed as a domestic thriller, and I’m really enjoying it. The twists are coming at a rapid pace, and every one reveals something else about the main characters that’s a little shocking. It’s definitely keeping my attention.

But at one point, one of the male POV characters was describing a house just like a woman would. It jarred me enough to stop what I was doing and check my phone to confirm the author was a woman. I’d go back to find exactly what the character said, but I’d lose my place where I am now (because yeah, I’m technically savvy like that, LOL) and I don’t want to miss any of this book.

I mean no shade at all to the author. In my opinion, she’s written a stellar book and this is a nitpicky little thing. I probably noticed it more as an author who has written male character point of view and I know what a struggle it can be. I’m dead certain that I’ve made the same mistakes in my characters too.

Has that ever happened to you while your reading? Your really enjoying a book, almost hanging on the words, and something the character says jars you out of it for a few seconds?

Monday, March 7th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

These weeks are just blowing by. Okay so…

Friday, we went back out to the design center, which is 50 miles one way. It’s a bit of a trudge, but I’m really glad we went back. We switched the quartz to the more durable granite countertops. We chose blue galaxy granite with white shaker cabinets. That particular granite was on one of the counters in the design center and we really liked it, but we’ll get an opportunity to see and approve it at the slab yard before they install it. We are still making adjustments before we lock in, but we’ll need to do that this week as they’re supposed to break ground on our house on the 14th.

By the time I’m done with this process, I’ll have a dozen book ideas. Most of them murder mysteries, LOL. Our experience so far has been very positive so far, but I can see some buyers being more upset. Wizard and I had researched this so had a good idea what to expect. But…you’re told you can customize your home, however everything is “packaged” into major upsales. So if you want pullout shelves in your cabinets, first you have to buy the premium package that gives you a bunch of cool features and upgrades, and ONE pullout shelf. Then you can add to that.

So, yeah, I can see some book plots in this experience. All that said, our designer has been amazing to work with, very helpful and respectful of our budget. I like her a lot and I appreciate her straight up answers when we ask questions.

Saturday we had to drive about 80 miles to the memorial service, but it was worth it and we’re glad we went.

Sunday, Wizard and I were both wiped out and nothing exciting happened.  We wanted to see Turbo, but both of us needed a day of not driving.

That was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, March 4th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! It’s time to share five random things about our week!

  1. Monday we did an online meeting about any electrical upgrades. That began with technical glitches which is pretty funny since they’re offering technical upgrades :-) Some of the offered upgrades had my budget in hysterical laughter. Or is that hysterical tears??? We said “No thank you” a lot!
  2. We had another heat wave, and a fire broke out in the Cleveland National Forest. I’ll post a picture from our street below. For a few hours we were worried, but some major air power came in and moved it back. The fire is still burning and last I heard 15% contained. I expect it to be more when this posts. However it’s burned over 550 acres. Today should be cooler with a chance of rain which is great news.
  3. Thursday morning I was doing light chores like dusting and laundry, then I walked into the kitchen I got a sudden pain in my right side. I pulled something in my oblique muscles between my hip and ribcage, I think. Seriously? Twisting side stretches don’t do it. Brutal side planks don’t do it.  Even cleaning the bathrooms doesn’t do it. But walking into the kitchen and turning to the counter??? Yep, wrenched my side.  Someone out there has a sense of humor, LOL.  It’s not serious, just annoying, and Advil helps :-)
  4. Today we have to go back to the design center which is at least an hour away depending on traffic. We originally chose a beautiful quartz countertop that I really love. But after a couple days Wizard and I began worrying that it’s not going to be durable enough. Quartz and granite both have their pluses and minuses, but after re-weighting them we’re probably going to get granite. So we’re going back to look and decide. You know, this process would be a lot more fun if only that Budget Witch and her ugly cousin, Financial Reality, didn’t keep butting in. :-)  (I’m teasing, not complaining. I spend too much time each day following the Ukraine situation to have any reason to truly complain about my life.)
  5. Tomorrow we’re back in the car for another long trip to go to a memorial service for one of Wizard’s friends (she passed two months ago). It’ll be a long day but an important one. She brought a lot of joy to people’s lives and we want to celebrate her life.

That’s in for me, now I’d love to hear your five! I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
Wednesday’s Hero

So I’m tired and off today (which is Tuesday since I wrote this blog yesterday afternoon). I hate when I do this, but I had a nightmare last night and woke Wizard when I started screaming bloody murder. I only started this in my later years (hormones, I guess LOL), but poor Wizard! He’s so kind when he wakes me up. I don’t know how he does it. He’s never been mad at me, but I’m mad at myself. I hate being out of control like that. Anyway, this picture both captures my mood and makes me think of heroes–although this looks like a sad and tormented hero to me.

So here’s the picture:


What do you think?

P.S. I’m sure I’m fine today. Stress sometimes gives me weird nightmares.

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