Jennifer Lyon

Archive for December, 2022

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Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
Maggie’s Takes Over the Blog Today

Oh hi, there!

It’s me, Maggie. Guys I have to ask you all…is my mom crazy? Every year she tries to do too much in too short a time, and I’m left dealing with her stress. I have to do all kinds of things like, clean up the kitchen floor while she bakes and talks to herself, make her stop and go for walks, sit on the couch and let her pet me, or remind her to give me treats. But seriously…how can she do this to herself every year and not learn?

Also, I have to tell you a story. So my mom has taught me not to run out doors to the outside unless I’m given permission. I follow the rule most of the time, although sometimes I might cheat a little bit and pretend I thought she gave me permission. So yesterday mom and Wizard were bringing in groceries, and I stood inside the garage door supervising.

Then I saw another dog walking by my house. I looked at my mom to see if I was allowed to go see him, but she was too busy looking at the other dog. I want to go sooooo bad, but I waited.

Then my mom turned and her eyes got all big and she said the word I didn’t want to hear. “Stay.” That was bad enough, but then she looked at Wizard and said, “I forgot the door was open! Maggie could have run out!”

She forgot about me! ME!!

So you know what I did??? I stepped out and stood on the rug just outside the door. And I waited until my mom turned again and saw me. Our eyes met…

And then I went back inside the house :-) Because I’m mostly a good girl, but I had to show her that I could be a not-so-good-girl if she forgets about me again. Sometimes we just have to remind our people who is really important, am I right?

So guys, my mom told me I had to take an official Christmas photo. I agreed to sit for one and only one. Here it is:

My mom sighed but is it my fault that’s the best shot she could get? I’m pretty sure it’s the photographers fault. I gave her the one shot, and this is what she took.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Monday, December 12th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

Bleh. It was pretty much that kind of weekend.  Wizard is steadily recovering from his cold by sending it to me :-) My throat was the worst of it so far, but that seemed better yesterday. Otherwise, its just a cold. Sunday it rained and this week looks cold with some rain too. We need the rain so there’s that.

I tried to bake on Saturday and made a mess of it, LOL. Let’s just say that I shouldn’t bake while high on cold meds! It fogs my brain and wires me at the same time, so it’s not a good mix. The next day I cut the dose in half and felt better! Ultimately I did make some pumpkin bread and salted dark chocolate cookies. I have much more to do this week if I’m feeling up to it. If not…it’ll all be fine.

Next weekend we’re going to youngest’s house for a family Christmas. I’m bringing dessert and I still don’t know what I want to make. So many decision! I’d like to make a cake and a side dessert for variety but we’ll see.

Yesterday, I had to laugh. As I mentioned it rained and all my sons were clearly all bored. Youngest began texting around 8 in the morning. Then oldest called and middle called while I was still talking to oldest. I’m very popular when it’s raining and my sons have nothing else to do but call mom :-) I’m teasing, they are all great kids and call and visit when they can. But I do like to tease them.

Oldest called because Turbo’s birthday is in March, and he tells me twice a week about various cakes he wants :-) This week it’s been and  “ant” (as in the bug) cake and a “Hulk” cake. I have no idea where the ant cake came from! A hulk cake would be fun to make. We’ll see how many more times Turbo changes his mind in the next two and a half months.

Middle was talking about our house ( he thinks it’s big and really likes it!) and letting me know about a weird bug bite on his arm. He then acted like the successful adult he is and went to Urgent Care to get it treated before his busy work week ahead. Then he texted to let me know he’d done it so I wouldn’t worry. I really appreciate that!

Youngest just harasses me :-) I told him I had a cold, and he suggest I “drink some of dad’s Scotch to burn out the virus.”  I’m rather glad he didn’t choose medicine as a career. He also sends me cute picture of his dog Phoebe but I can’t go see her because I don’t want to spread my cold the them. That’s just mean.

Oh and the concrete and walls are delayed until after the holidays. Weather and other factors got in the way, and we’re not really surprised.

So how was your weekend?

Friday, December 9th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! Time to share five random things about our weeks. Here’s mine:

  1. Wizard has a cold, and today we think I’m getting it. But I thought that once before, then woke up feeling fine the next day so we’ll see. It’s been years since I’ve been sick, and I think it’s rude of this virus to even consider breaking my winning streak. All things considered, though, I’ll take a cold over the flu or Covid.
  2. Monday a window frame repair place was scheduled to come assess is large chip in the frame of our sliding glass door. It’s a warranty issue, and when the office gal called to schedule the appointment she wasn’t particularly friendly. They didn’t show up at all on Monday, with no calls or anything until Wednesday. When the same woman called Wednesday she said “she was calling to schedule an appointment.” I told her we had an appointment and no one showed or called. She said, “Yes I know, the technician didn’t tell anyone…” and finally she grudging added, “Sorry.” I’m held on hard to my patience and reschedule but I was so irritated. Wizard is too. But I will say this — we have perpetually been waiting for various things in he house, repairs or services set up or deliveries, and most of them go well or they call and explain the problem which happens and we understand. And while this one bugs us, we go our of our way to make sure the ones who do show up and do their job, or call to let us know why they can’t, that we appreciate them. We even fill out the annoying surveys because it helps them out. So this company is just one bad apple in a bushel and I need to NOT let them take up any more mental real estate than absolutely necessary.
  3. Now for the funnier story. So we bought the two chairs that were supposed to recline, but didn’t. The repair guy came. His name is Eddie, and he has been here before to fix the wiring on our power recliner couch. He shows up and he’s baffled too. The chairs do not recline by pushing back as we were told.  All my paperwork didn’t help him solve this mystery of why the chairs have the equipment to recline, but don’t do it. Finally, after all of us stood around and stared at the chairs like they might spill their secrets, I got out my phone, pulled up the chair on the website and handed it to Eddie. He read, swiped and read some more. Then he sat in the chair and magically made it recline! Wizard and I were stunned. We begged him to know how he did it!  By this point, Eddie was pretty proud and showed us — and I’m not kidding — there’s a hidden handle buried between the cushion and the arm of the chair. We were torn between laughter and embarrassment :-) But the mystery is solved and we’re very happy. Eddie is clearly a genius while Wizard and me…not so much.
  4. We tackled Christmas! We have the tree up and decorated. We’ve gotten probably 70% of the shopping done. Yesterday I went to Walmart early and bought a lot of baking ingredients and wrapping supplies then suffered total shock at the cash register. It’s a good thing I have a strong heart! I even have begun writing some Christmas cards. It’s going to be crazy busy over the next two weeks, but that’s okay, we seem to be handling it.
  5. This weekend, I think we’re staying home. I need to bake and clean and do various chores. If I get sick, I’ll just do what I can that doesn’t infect others and add in some rest (maybe, I’m not great at that!) But if I beat back the cold, then I’ll brag on Monday and get sick on Tuesday, LOLOL. Oh and in theory, work is supposed to start Saturday on the retaining walls and various hardscapes we’re having done outside. But that depends if the previous job the crew is working on is done. Plus rain is predicted and that causes more delays. So we’ll see.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and that you all stay well and sane as we get into the holiday madness!

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022
What Are You Reading?

Let’s talk about reading! And listening so I go through audio books faster than physically books lately.

The last book I physically read was “Bond of Passion: A Demonica Novel” by Larissa Ione, a fast past paranormal romance. That book was exactly what I expected from the author and series :-).  I’ve just started reading “The Mistress of Auschwitz” by by Terrance Williamson. It’s a historical fiction and I’m only read a few pages in, but I’m intrigued.

My previous audiobook listen was “While Paris Slept” by Ruth Druart, a historical fiction about WWII. This one is a wrenching tale about one Jewish baby saved from a death camp who later becomes torn between adoptive and biological parents. I’m currently listening to “The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett” by Annie Lyons. I’d categorize this one as Women’s Fiction about an 85 year old woman who is sure she’s ready to die and the young girl next door who changes her life. So far, it’s charming and the perfect break from my previous listen.

Lately I’ve had an interesting in WWII historical fiction.

So that’s been my reading journey lately, how about yours? What are you enjoying at the moment?

Monday, December 5th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

Santa brought Wizard a cold. I’m probably getting it too, so yay us :-) But the bright spot is…

After four different tries, one return and waiting for the new mirror, countless holes in the wall, and discovering that the ceiling is off a half inch — we have hung the mirrors! This feels like a major feat, LOLOL! We had them hung at the third try, but they were they were too far apart on the wall (in my opinion), and one mirror was slightly higher than the other. I kept my mouth shut. I was not going to say anything because Wizard tried so hard and I really appreciated it. Seriously, he kept measuring down from the ceiling, and I’d double check his measurements, and they were exact. But the mirrors kept coming out uneven by half an inch. It was maddening. Then when he was out in the garage, it suddenly dawned on my what might be wrong, and I measured both ends of the wall from floor to ceiling. Sure enough, the ceiling sloped nearly about half inch from one end to the other. Who knows if that’s intentional with the pitch of the roof or just not squared. But we’d both had it that day, so I figured we’d live with the mirrors the way they were.

The next morning, he surprised me and asked me if I wanted to try one more time to get the mirrors even. He meant so that one mirror wasn’t higher than the other. I said, “Sure, I’ll try if you want to.” And then I added,  “Since you’ll have to make new holes, do you want to move the mirrors in closer together?”

He was startled and that’s when I realized that “centering” the two mirrors on the wall meant something different to each of us. In his mind divided the wall in half and center one mirror in each half. Doing that left a bigger space in the middle than on the ends, but it made perfect sense to him. While my brain wanted even wall space between all three sides of the mirrors. He wasn’t upset, just curious what I meant. Once I showed him, he was happy to do it.

Even after 40 years together, we sometimes still don’t read each other minds :-)

Otherwise, our weekend was normal stuff, how was yours?

Friday, December 2nd, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! Wow how did it get to be December already? Crazy! But lets focus now on sharing five random things about our week.

  1. I miss reading. Listening to audiobooks is great, I really love them and I’m listening to a really interesting one right now. I’m going to try harder to physically read more books in 2023 if I can. I miss writing too, but I’m just in a different place in my life these days. But 2023 will be a new year to get things done!
  2. We got the microwave and cooktop fixed! Turned out all they needed to do was replace the breaker with a better one. I wasn’t here but Wizard said it just took the electrician that housing track sent out a few minutes.  In related news on the new chairs: The company is sending out someone to look at them next Tuesday. I am hoping for just as easy of a resolution. It’ll be interesting to see if it’s our fault or the chairs :-) At this point, it could be either.
  3. I went out shopping on Wednesday for some things for the house, and ended up only buying a set of Christmas dish towels featuring a dog that looks like Maggie on them :-) I think I spent a whopping $7.00. We’ll be starting the retaining walls, planters and concrete outside soon, so I’m good with my $7.00 purchase, LOL! I had planned to go to my cake store but never made it due to time constraints, which also saved us a chunk of change! I’ll probably get there next week. Right now, I’m planning cookies for something Wizard wants me to do, but at some point, I’ll do a fun cake too.
  4. Yesterday morning, I was walking Maggie when a beautiful, fairly big black dog came barreling toward us. I stopped and told him no, he slowed and grew respectful and sweet. His body language was pretty easy to read so I wasn’t too worried until a second smaller dog showed up growling and much more fearful and insecure. That’s when things got serious.  A construction guy came over and helped tell the dogs to leave. I’m very grateful for his help! Maggie and I turned and went home, and I had to send the dogs away one more time on our way, but they listened. I don’t know what happened to the dogs after that. Once I had Maggie inside, they were gone. Wizard was out in the garage later and said he never saw them too. They had flat collars on, and I’m wondering if the belonged to one of the construction workers on the job site, but the guy helping me didn’t want to tell me that. The reason I suspect that is because they came out of the yard where the workers gather in the morning and they looked well cared for.
  5. Wizard is struggling with sinuses this week. We don’t think it’s a cold, it’s acting like allergies/sinuses that come and go. He’s a bit more tired than usual but doesn’t seem sick. The weather has gone from sunny to overcast and deciding if it might rain or not so that’s probably a factor. A lot of people we know have been really sick with the current cold virus going around, so we haven’t made any real plans for the weekend just to make sure we’re both well before we go and expose too many others.

So that’s my pretty boring week :-) Now I’d love to hear about your five! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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