Jennifer Lyon

Archive for September, 2023

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Wednesday, September 13th, 2023
Wednesday Joy

So you know that moment at the end of the day when you just want to relax and maybe read? Yeah, I try that now and again, and this is what I get:

She might be an old lady now, but she still has puppy eyes, at least to me. How am I supposed to resist that? So yep, I pet her. Wizard laughs and tells me, “You wanted a dog.”

Yes I did and even with the challenges and expenses of her aging now, I never regret getting this sweet girl.

Maggie is my Wednesday Joy, what or who is yours?

Monday, September 11th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

We have the refrigerator! So far we’re happy with it :-) It came 5pm Friday, and that I was day I was glad to see end, LOL. Hopefully we’re set for another couple decades (although I’m told they don’t last that long anymore). Here’s to no more fridge shopping for us!

Saturday was good — well for me and Maggie. Youngest son and Wizard dug a trench and connect the rain gutter downspout to the underground drainage pipe in 100 degree heat. Youngest did the most of the digging, but Wizard was out there working too. Maggie got to go out there and supervise once in a while and she loved watching them. That night we made dinner for youngest (his wife is on a trip with her mom) and the next day I took cookies over to him, and a toy for Phoebe (their dog).

Sunday was quieter and nice, except that it was a bit rainy here and humid so I didn’t go see Turbo play T-ball. I had to laugh though, he wanted me to call him in the morning before his game and I did expecting to hear all about his upcoming game. Nope, he wanted to tell me about jumping in the deep end of a 9 foot pool and swimming to the side. That kid loves swimming! When I asked him about playing baseball, I got one word answers. That’s fair, though, he hasn’t had enough experience yet to know if he likes it.

Humidity feels like an unwanted houseguest around here. Just leave already. But otherwise, it’s a new week with new opportunities!

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 8th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF! How is it Friday again? My calendar swears it is, and therefore, it’s time to share five random things about our week!

  1. The refrigerator is supposed to come today. However I’m writing this blog before I get the confirmation phone call with our time slot, so we’ll see. If they do need to delay the delivery for some reason, I won’t mind as long as they let me know ahead of time. That’s the beauty of buying one before our old one dies :-) I’m just so glad to have the decision made! I should also add that it’s probably best for our budget if I stay away from appliances with all the pretty cooktops and ovens — those are appliances I can actually get excited about. But mine are just fine and I don’t need to get any fancy ideas, LOL!
  2. I use an app called Map My Walk to track my daily miles. I checked it yesterday and discovered I walked 45 miles in August. Okay I exaggerated, it was 44.91 miles :-).  And if I walked it, that means Maggie walked it too. It also explains why my knees are complaining a lot more these days, especially my left one.
  3. I didn’t do much interesting this week. I haven’t been at my normal energy level. It’s so irritating (really, I get mad at myself, like that’s helpful?). But I did make some gluten and dairy free cookies I can eat. I need to make some bread too but can’t seem to carve out the chunk of time I need.  Maybe this weekend!
  4. Biker Witch and I had coffee yesterday then shopped for fun Halloween decorations. I’m up to four now :-) Wizard asked how many I’m going to get, and I just laughed. It was great to see my sister, but I wore out too fast which is super annoying.
  5. This weekend is uncertain, but Turbo has his first T-ball game on Sunday. If I’m not busy, I’m going to drive out there to watch that hilarity of five-year-olds first attempt at T-ball. My biggest hope is that they all have fun! All the skills will come with time and practice. I’m wondering too if I can take Maggie with me. I’ll have to ask Turbo’s mom if dogs are allowed at the field where they play. She would love it!

So that’s my five now I’d love to hear yours. And I hope everyone has a great weekend (with no hurricane action)!

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
Wednesday Whining

If anyone wants to see Wizard and I going in pointless circles, you all should watch us refrigerator shopping. It’s a stupid waste of time as it’s impossible to get all we want in one refrigerator because Wizard wants a ton of ice available through the door (for legitimate reasons), and the only way to do that is by taking up shelf space.

I found one where I’m willing to give up the space, but he doesn’t like that one, and is protesting based on door shelf space. I’m like…dude what do you want?

It’s become an insane quest to find a refrigerator that has defied the laws of physics. And sanity. We shopped until we were too sore to continue yesterday.

Sigh. But we must order it today if we want the sale prices, so maybe we can stop the madness and just pick one out. Ultimately I think we’re getting the one that only has water through the door, and an ice maker on the bottom that’s easy to access and should give him enough ice. But at this point, I’d buy anything, even an ice chest,  just to make the pain stop :-)

How’s your week going?

Monday, September 4th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

Happy Labor Day to those celebrating in the U.S.! I hope you’re having a great day off!

Our weekend was good and Maggie’s was amazing because she got to see so many of her favorite people :-) We had a really good time Thursday night with youngest and his wife celebrating her birthday. Maggie was thrilled when they came back over our house for cake. She wore herself out with her silliness.

Saturday evening Turbo and his parents came over. My big news is I scored with some gifts I had for Turbo! Last weekend when I saw him, I listened carefully to his latest interest in a show called Batwheels, and got him some Batwheels toys. I earned all kinds of hugs and kisses for that! His parents went to dinner, and we built a race track that covered most of the house, then went outside and raced monster trucks and finally ended up playing in dirt (of course!). Oh and Maggie and Turbo had a bunch of races. Maggie lost a few of those by default because she saw a lizard or grasshopper :-) But she won other races when she stayed focused.

When Turbo’s parents got home, we tried to hide from them in the backyard, but Maggie showed them where we were hiding — she is NOT good at that game. I mean she didn’t even try, she ran to them full of happy wiggles and led them straight to us. Sigh…

Then we tried to plan a family vacation for next year…we could make a reality show out of our family planning vacations. Although no one has flipped over a table yet! We agree on a location and time, but it’s the smaller things that create the hilarity. So I’m just over here trying to remind someone who lives in my house (not me!) they can’t get their way on every detail. And they can’t control which hotel our adult children choose to stay in. My daughter-in-law at one point said, “We’ll pay for your hotel room if you stay in our choice of hotel.”  At which point my son choked and splurted out his coffee in surprise at this new twist and expense. I laughed until I cried. Then, Wizard countered with, “No I’ll pay for your room at our hotel…”

That’s when I started drinking wine. Because daughter-in-law and Wizard? They both like to win and we tease the heck out of them about it. Those two kept upping the stakes in ludicrous ways. Seriously, no one was mad and there’s even a chance we might successfully plan and execute a family vacation. Stay tuned…and maybe bring some popcorn to the next installment of “Will they go on vacation? And if they do, will they survive several days together on an island?”

Sunday we debated refrigerators. It was boring but necessary stuff. We’ll probably buy one today or this week or at least before our current one dies. Maybe!

How was your weekend?

Friday, September 1st, 2023
Weekend Roundup

TGIF!! Time to share 5 random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. It’s been so hot this week, I stayed inside and cleaned the beginning of the weak, and felt that by Wednesday night, LOL. Thursday I consciously slowed my pace and treated some RA symptoms and by today I’ll be fine. I suspect the humidity coming in hard then leaving also was a factor.
  2. For a Maggie laugh, she loves to run and jump onto her bed in our room, and slide it into the corner between the wall and the nightstand. She does it intentionally, and has done it two or three times in a row. It’s fun, I guess or that’s how she moves her bed. Well the other morning she ran ahead of me when I heard a thunk. I went into the room, and Maggie was staggering slightly, tilting and shaking her head. Sure enough she’d finally hit the nightstand. She recovered 30 seconds after I got in there, and once I realized she was fine, I laughed. She looked like a confused drunk those fist few seconds, and I don’t think she quite knows what happened. After that, she did a two mile walk, ate breakfast, and acted normally. That very night, she ran and jumped on her bed to make it slide into the corner again. If she does hit the nightstand again, I’ll move the bed. But it was the first time in almost a year of living here so I’m not too worried.
  3. I’m writing this on Thursday, and tonight we’re going to dinner with my daughter in law and youngest son for my DIL’s birthday. We are so looking forward to that, and I imagine it’ll be a nice night.
  4. After dinner they coming over our house for cake. I made a gluten free, dairy free cake and because of the dairy free butter, the layers were slipping making the cake lumpy and tilted. It was pretty funny, but with a bit of work, I managed to get it straightened out. My original plan was to put a marbled fondant on it over the layer of buttercream, however I didn’t trust the cake without gluten plus the weaker non dairy icing to be able to support the weight of fondant so I improvised. This is how it turned out: By the way, if anyone is worried about food safety, I washed the silk flowers on the top :-)
  5. Turbo is coming tomorrow! It should be fun. I’m not sure if his parents were able to get the reservations they wanted at the spa, or if they’ll be here too. Either way is fine, it’ll be a fun and easy day. Today I’m hopefully going to Trader Joes and since I’m not baking anything else, I’ll buy some fun snacks there. I have nothing planned for meals, we’ll just pick something up if my son and daughter in law are here.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours!

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