Jennifer Lyon
Friday, July 21st, 2017
Friday Five

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a good week! Now lets all list 5 random things about our week.

  1. Yesterday was a good writing day. I am so grateful for that! I haven’t had many of those lately and it felt pretty darned good. Plus I love Justice and Liza (AKA Beth). In this book, they’ve endured a lot and grown up so much, I’m actually a little like a proud mama :-)
  2. Still waiting to hear on my STAT MRI. But yesterday was a better pain day to, so again, let’s focus on the good.
  3. I’m getting my hair cut this morning. And by cut, I mean bangs only! We have the layers in my hair the way shaped the way I want them, I’d just like them longer.
  4. If you guys are reading this, I need to know–what do you think is a good pool day dessert?
  5. I bought some coconut scented body wash that I love. However I don’t care for dried coconut in baked goods–that’s just wrong. I like fresh coconut though.

And don’t forget, Monday is the release for SAVAGED VOWS, book 2 in the Savaged Illusions trilogy! Ironically, this is one of my favorite books I’ve written, and yet it’s being released with little fanfare. There just hasn’t been time. And just a programming note: Be sure to read SAVAGED DREAMS first.

Now it’s your turn to share your Friday Five!


Wednesday, July 19th, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

This is so crazy, but guys, SAVAGED VOWS releases next Monday! I’m excited.

I’m also panicked about SAVAGED DEVOTION because the shoulder crap took over my life and slowed my writing, but I’m trying. Yesterday I got the MRI done which is awesome. With any luck, that will show the source of the problem.

And I learned something new–Xanax works! I did the MRI with no claustrophobic panic at all. I was also very easy-going, LOL! Wizard wanted to stop to look at some houses, and I’m like, “No problemo! Let’s do it!”

Then Wizard looked at all the construction debris, dirt and rocks we’d have to navigate to look at lots, and said, “You sure you can walk, and you know, not fall on your face?

And I replied, “No problemo!” And I didn’t fall. People I was awesome, probably because there were no tricky fan cords waiting to trip me up.

Then Wizard said, “How about we go out to lunch? Think you can handle that?” Ha! We went to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant that I’d normally avoid because of my stomach, and I scarfed down a taco and tostada. They were small but still good for me. Wizard began wondering what the hell was in that Xanax.

Then I went home and fell asleep. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I slept in the day. Probably decades? I’m not exaggerating, I never nap, but I was out cold.

Now my Xanax vacation is over and I’m working late as I write this blog on Tuesday night, begging the story gods to help me and I’ll give them my left over Xanax :-)  (No more Xanax for me. It was fun, but I like being more in control as a rule.)

Okay and finally, here is our Wednesday Worthy Candidate:

So what do you think? Is he worthy?

Monday, July 17th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

I worked and tripped…that was pretty much the sum of my weekend! I’m really trying to get SAVAGED DEVOTION out into a dirty first draft despite the ongoing shoulder thing, but I’m really my own worst enemy.

Very early Sunday morning I was awake so I went into the front bedroom to read. I fell back asleep, woke up confused around 5:45 a.m.  In that groggy state, I went to turn off the fan in the room, got my foot caught in the cord, pitched forward and fell. I caught myself with my hands which is great. However it radiated up into my shoulder neck area. The whole thing was so loud, Wizard came running.

I’m fine, just sore and irritated, although I should be very grateful since I wasn’t hurt worse. Meanwhile, I’m desperately hoping I can write enough words to get a draft together for my editor by the end of the month.

So how was your weekend?

Friday, July 14th, 2017
Friday Five

Happy Friday! Let’s do five random things about our week.

  1. Tuesday morning Wizard and I went grocery shopping. After loading the bags into the trunk of our car, we noticed all the windows were down, the sunroof open and the car unlocked. The car had been fully closed up and locked when we went inside. Nothing inside the car was missing or disturbed. We were totally baffled for about forty minute, kicking around ideas, but mostly worrying about an electronic short in our eight year old car. Then it dawned on Wizard. There’s a button on our electronic key fob that if you press and hold down will unlock the doors and open all the windows to cool off the car. We’d completely forgotten about that function. Wizard had his keys in his pocket, and our best guess is that while unloading groceries,  he leaned against the trunk and somehow held down that button.
  2. People who are NOT handicapped and park in handicapped spaces piss me off. I don’t care if it’s only for “two minutes.” People who leave their animals or kids in boiling hot cars piss me off even more.
  3. Speaking of pets, at CPA Boy’s work picnic last week, a family came in with 2 dogs in a carriage. Special K and I watched for about five minutes then we couldn’t stand it. We went over and introduced ourselves to a really nice lady and told her we wanted to meet her dogs. Yeah…we did that, LOL! The lady was really cool about our weirdness and happily let us meet and pet their dogs. They were two sweet pups. One was 13 years old, and so that’s why they had they carriage. Even better? They’d only adopted the 13 year old the previous year when she was 12.
  4. I had to run to Target yesterday for boring stuff like paper towels and came home with these Oops! But at least I remembered the paper towels.
  5. I’ll be working all weekend, desperately trying to get this book into words arranged in an order that make sense. I’m so far behind, but I trying not to think about that.  Besides, I like a challenge, right? Bwhahahaha!!

Okay it’s your turn! Tell me five random things about your week!

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
So I Lost a Hunk…

A week ago, I found a really hot actor who could be a rock star, and would be perfect for Wednesday Worthy. I gently coaxed him into my hunk files…and then I slammed the door and locked him in.

Okay, I’m kidding. That would be abduction or kidnapping or something illegal and wrong. I copied, pasted, and wrote down the actor’s name and where I found the pic so I could show you all and credit the source. Then I went back to working on my book all smug and proud of myself because I was ahead for a change.

Last night, I was trying to work, when I remembered, Oh right,  I need to do my blog post. But no problem, I have the hunk for Wednesday Worthy! I opened my hunk file…and he was gone!


I looked everywhere for him, but alas, he made a clean getaway.

And that’s how I lost a hunk :-(  Also it’s my excuse for not posting a Wednesday Worthy hunk today.  Sorry!

Hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday!

P.S. If anyone finds my missing rock star hunk, or the words I need to write my book, please contact me ASAP.



Monday, July 10th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

OMG it’s so HOT!! On Saturday, we went to a picnic at CPA Boy’s work to celebrate his boss’s birthday. It was one of the best work picnics we’ve been to, and we had a great time. CPA Boy and Youngest Son, BLB, work with an awesome group of people. And I’d like to also add that Middle Son and his awesome Girlfriend came because they are supportive and just as wonderful. I was so proud to show off all three of my boys <insert preening mom moment here>. But as luck would have it, we had record-breaking heat that day, and by the time Wizard and I got home, we were exhausted. I was falling asleep at 8:45. The heat is supposed to get a little better this week.

Sunday, I worked. I’ve put so much pressure on myself, I’m trying to stop it and let the story flow. Yesterday was better, and fingers crossed that I’m getting out of my own way here and letting the characters tell the story.  It’s when I try to control the story I get into trouble :-) I still have no idea if I’m going to make my deadline. All I need for my editor is a rough draft. I’m still a long ways from that, but I think I have a shot if the rest of this month cooperates.

In my break time, I went onto a website with the sneaky idea to book a quick trip to Vegas for my birthday and surprise Wizard. Yes I know that sounds weird to surprise Wizard for my birthday, but he wouldn’t have to worry about getting me a gift (unless he wants to get me a French bulldog, or any dog!) and I’d have a trip to look forward to after turning in this book, so it’s a win-win. I found some nice deals…until I realized every single one of them had “resort fees” not included in the advertised price. I was ticked. I hate false advertising with a passion :-(

That was my weekend. How about yours?

Friday, July 7th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Five random things about my week:

  1. I had to go to the DMV and renew my driver’s license. That’s place was packed! You couldn’t move with out inappropriate body contact, and definitely not the fun kind. But I had an appointment, so I was only there about a half hour and then I escaped.
  2. After a major glitch, I finally got my MRI approved and scheduled in another week and a half. This neck shoulder thing is controlling my life. Just getting the MRI approved was a major battle I really don’t have time for.
  3. I forgot how to write a book.
  4. I’m excited for Savaged Vows to release in a couple weeks.
  5. The heat sucks!

Your turn to share five random things about your week. And everyone have a great weekend!