Jennifer Lyon
Friday, July 7th, 2017
Happy Friday Five

Five random things about my week:

  1. I had to go to the DMV and renew my driver’s license. That’s place was packed! You couldn’t move with out inappropriate body contact, and definitely not the fun kind. But I had an appointment, so I was only there about a half hour and then I escaped.
  2. After a major glitch, I finally got my MRI approved and scheduled in another week and a half. This neck shoulder thing is controlling my life. Just getting the MRI approved was a major battle I really don’t have time for.
  3. I forgot how to write a book.
  4. I’m excited for Savaged Vows to release in a couple weeks.
  5. The heat sucks!

Your turn to share five random things about your week. And everyone have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017
Rock Star Worthy

Howdy! Hope everyone in the U.S. had a great 4th of July! Sorry I skipped Monday, but I’m probably going to be a bit of a flake through July as I wrestle with SAVAGED DEVOTION.

Since two quick things about my weekend.

  1. Jett’s 1st birthday was a huge success! Jett loves to play with other dogs, and he got to have four other dogs over. His three cousins, and one of his best friends. Plus there was doggy cake. That was one happy pup. Everyone had a blast except Wizard who tolerated the event because he loves us :-) And seriously, guys, we TORTURED Wizard. We convinced him that Jett’s birthday started a trend of celebrating every dog’s birthday PLUS a separate Christmas, Easter and Valentine’s Day. Like I said, Wizard loves us all and put up with our teasing. I posted this picture all over on my FB page, but if you missed it, here’s Jett with one of his best friend’s, a pug name Molly. And yep, they are smooching. They played hard and then cuddled and kissed. It really was too danged cute.
  2. And the 2nd thing is a slight rant. So Saturday I went to lunch with a friend, and we ordered dessert. I ordered a chocolate fudge cake that I love. The waiter decided to make a thing about how big this piece of cake was, and how most of their customers can’t eat it all, and did I realize how BIG the cake is, and was I sure I wanted it? Um well, I ordered the damned cake, so yes, I wanted it. In fact I’d been looking forward to it through a really crappy week and now I had to argue with a waiter over it. Seriously? My friend ordered a lemon mascarpone cake and he didn’t question her choice. Anyway I finally got my cake. Of course,  I couldn’t eat it all, and took the remainder home to enjoy in two more sittings. But I want to know–do you guys think I’m overreacting (entirely possible as my week was stressful!) or was that weird and uncalled for?

I also wanted to mention that the family member who had surgery last week to remove a tumor near her brain is home! It’s not an easy recovery, but she’s doing as well as can be expected. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. It really means alot to us!

Okay let’s get a little wild here and change Wednesday Worthy to Rock Star Worthy, because I’m current panicking, I mean writing about rock stars in the final book of  my Savaged Illusions Trilogy. (The first book in the series, SAVAGED DREAMS is out now, and SAVAGED VOWS is up for pre-order!) Our contender today is:

Ben Dahlause From Entertainment site

I think if we throw a few tats on him, he could pass as a drummer or a bassist. But the important thing is what do YOU think? Is he rock star worthy?

Friday, June 30th, 2017
Happy Friday

What a week. I keep thinking things are going to get easier…

Um, still waiting…

Wait, what’s this newsflash I’m seeing?

Dear Whiner (and we mean YOU Jen),

Life is not all puppies and rainbows. Get it over.


The Goddess of Knowledge & Wine

P.S. if you need help getting over it, drink wine.

Well gosh, that was subtle. But the wine part was some excellent advice :-)

So this weekend, I need to be glued to my computer working, but I’m having lunch with a friend on Saturday and Sunday we’re going over Middle Son’s house for Puppy Jett’s first birthday.  So take that Goddess of Knowledge and Wine…some things ARE about puppies! Bwhahaha….

Okay fine, I may have had one glass of wine before I wrote this blog last night.

So what are your weekend plans?


Wednesday, June 28th, 2017
No Wednesday Worthy

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a great week!

Whatever is going on in my neck or shoulder flared up hot and painful on Tuesday, and that’s part of the reason I’m not hunting down a Wednesday Worthy Candidate. This happens, and then it calms down, so no worries.

The second, and much bigger reason, is that one of our extended family members had to have a long and delicate surgery yesterday to remove a benign tumor from an area close to her brain. It was a really long surgery, I think about six hours if I calculated that correctly. As I write this blog, they got it all with no complications, so that’s a huge sigh of relief. They were going to wake her up next, but I decided to put this blog up before I heard on that. All the signs have been very good though.

So that’s why I’m skipping Wednesday Worthy today. And once again, hope you all are having a really good week!

Monday, June 26th, 2017
Weekend Roundup

A hot weekend. And to prove it:

That was my back yard temp at 2pm yesterday. It went up a couple more degrees after that. I’m melting! The only good thing is the pool water temp is warm. I was in it yesterday for a while and it’s exactly how I love it.

Over the weekend I tossed out several chapters of SAVAGED DEVOTION, and am back to chapter 2. But it feels like I’m on the right path now. It’s been a constant struggle because of health crap, but I am determined not to let the characters or readers down. I will get this book written!

So last weekend when we were all together at a family event, Middle Son’s girlfriend mentioned that she was thinking of doing a one year birthday party for Jett. This is Jett back when they got him:


Now he’s much bigger and turning one.

Wizard says no, a party for a dog is stupid. Middle son said absolutely not, they are NOT having a party for Jett. I, of course, thought it was a splendid idea and encouraged the party.

So guess where we’re going next weekend? Baby Jett’s One Year Old Birthday Party! Yes we all know Jett really won’t understand. It doesn’t matter. This is for Jett’s mom, some fun family time, a chance to appreciate the joy and laughter all the dogs have brought to our lives, and watching Wizard try to cope with what he life has become — going to a dog’s birthday party :-)

That was my weekend. Today I’m going to try to hit the gym, and write hard and fast!

How was your weekend?


Friday, June 23rd, 2017
Friday Five

It’s Friday again, so let’s talk about five random things that happened this week:

  1. SAVAGED DREAMS, book 1 in the Savaged Illusions Trilogy, is out in the world!
  2. I’ve once again proven I can’t be trusted with an opened bag of chocolate chips in the house.
  3. Wednesday it was 109 degrees here. Unacceptable!!
  4. I saw my RA doc, and he thinks all my neck, shoulder and arm pain is from my neck (the x-rays showed problems there too), and he’s ordering an MRI. While all this is frustrating, I feel better having seen this doc.
  5. French bulldogs make me happy!

And a bonus random thing: Anna, my assistant, read SAVAGED VOWS, book 2 in the Savaged Illusions Trilogy and posted her very honest review on Goodreads if here. This was a surprise to me, she doesn’t always read my work because she has a stack of books to review for her blog. If you’re curious, take a look. Savaged Vows is in many ways my favorite book I’ve written so far.

Okay time for you to share your Friday Five! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017
Wednesday Worthy

First, a huge THANK YOU for all your support on the release of SAVAGED DREAMS. If you haven’t done it, check out the Savaged Dreams Blog Tour, and enter for the chance to win a $50.00 gift card. Here are a few of the blog stops:

Smut Book Junkie

Reading In Pajamas

The Reading Cafe

Now onto Wednesday Worthy. And yep, he’s a rerun, but he always catches my attention :-)

What do you think, is he worthy?