Jennifer Lyon

Archive for October, 2022

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Friday, October 14th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! I can’t believe it’s Friday again! But here we are, and it’s time to share 5 random things about our week. Here’s mine:

  1. Monday I got my ultrasound done at 7:30 in the morning. I left early thinking there’d be traffic because I forgot it was Columbus Day.  Let’s just say that I got there early, LOL. That’s okay, I was done by 8, went to Starbucks to grab a coffee and had the rest of my day to come home to a new trail of ants :-) Evidently they don’t get Columbus Day off.
  2. Tuesday the exterminator came out. The day before we’d put out bait traps that seemed to stop the newest trail of ants. But since we are living in new construction we decided to go the extermination route for the first time ever. Our house is “wired” in the walls for a method of injecting a powder that is supposed to kill a lot of bugs. Plus they treated the outside and garage with the traditional method. I have no idea of this newfangled method (the wall wiring thing) works, but we should find out. If it does, we will keep the service for a while. So far, we’ve had zero new ants.
  3. Yesterday I spent a chunk of time designing “We’ve Moved” cards that I could order and have delivered to a local store. I’ve used this store at least a half dozen times for things like ordering custom Christmas cards. But when I went to order, they website refused to acknowledge our local store.  I’m guessing it’s some glitch, but it’s weird. Especially since we not that physical store is definitely still open as Wizard just went there to buy some items one week ago. I’ll see if it works tomorrow, if not, then I’ll have to go somewhere else and redo the cards.
  4. Monday we’re scheduled to finally get the blinds installed. I’m really happy about that.
  5. This weekend, Wizard is going to try to go racing on Sunday. Saturday he and youngest son are picking up some wood and supplies to build a workbench and cabinets in the garage, and somewhere in there, we are trying to fit in a little furniture shopping. We are mainly looking at couches because the budget is a real thing. Sunday, I’d love to do something a little fun but who knows.

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
House Klutz

Me, I’m the House Klutz!

So the other night, I turned the light off, and went to get into bed. But I somehow tripped into the nightstand and now have a pretty awesome bruise on my knee. Normally I leave the bathroom light on and turn that off last since it’s two steps from my bed. That night I did it in opposite order. I wasn’t thinking, I guess. Or more likely, I was thinking about something else and not paying attention. Even so, I still have no idea how I so badly miscalculated where I was in the room and walked straight into the nightstand instead of stopping at my bed. I spent the next twenty minutes icing my knee before re-attempting the tricky feat of getting into bed :-)

I can pretty much guarantee I won’t do that again, LOL!

Then yesterday I was washing the floors, and slammed my right hand into the granite countertop. It felt like punching stone! But at least for that klutzy move, I can use the excuse that I’m haven’t developed a mental map in my head of how far the countertop overhang is. My hand is fine, just one joint and my wrist are mildly sore, but not bad enough to slow me down any :-)

Those are just the two bigger ones. I’ve been bumping into stuff here and there as I’m getting used to the new house (plus unpacking and moving stuff around). My legs are so marked up, I wore pants when I went out to lunch over the weekend with my sister :-) I’m now referring to myself as the House Klutz!

Anyone else injury prone in new spaces, or is it just me???

Monday, October 10th, 2022
Weekend Roundup

The last four days were nonstop! I couldn’t even get to answering Friday’s blog comments until Sunday.  So here’s my roundup:

Friday: We woke up to ants. That ended up being an all day chore but I think we battled them back for a while. I was REALLY mad at the stupid ants as I had plans with Biker Witch. But I called her and asked if she’d mind switching her birthday lunch to Sunday, and she was so gracious about it. That made me feel better. Finally, I was able to make Special K’s red velvet cupcakes Friday night. My oven has a convection bake, and it seemed to work great! I didn’t eat the cupcakes, but my official taste testers — Wizard and Turbo — assured me they were fine. By 9pm I was one aching zombie.

Saturday: I had to run to the store, make cream cheese frosting (easy) and ice the cupcakes. Then CPA Boy, Special K and Turbo arrived! Turbo liked the house, but mentioned that he likes stairs and pools. I reminded him that Uncle Youngest has a pool, and then I showed him all the dirt in the backyard. Turbo and Grandpa when spent an hour digging for dinosaur bones and he forgot about stairs and pools :-) Later in the day, I took Turbo and his parents on a hike up a dirt road into the hills. Turbo was convinced we would find a crashed monster truck (he loves monster trucks!). We climbed a long way looking! He loved it, and it was cool for me and Maggie as we got to show off some of the places we like to walk or hike. By the time we got home, CPA boy turned to me and said “You walk like this everyday?” I loved that comment. But I don’t do that specific hike everyday as their are coyotes and critters. Early in the morning, I stay on the streets where it’s safer. I say those hikes for mid day in the cooler months. Still, it was nice that he noticed I try to stay as health as I can. I have to give props to CPA Boy, though, he carried Turbo on his shoulders for part of that hike!

And I think Special K had a good birthday. I’d like to have done more but the second half of this last week was a non-stop bullet train that we couldn’t seem to slow down. And Special is so understanding.

Youngest son and his amazing wife came by too.

Sunday, Biker Witch and I went to lunch. It was great! She’s really going through a home repair challenge and I was just tired from the whirlwind, so it was nice for both of us to get out. I ignored the diet for that one meal and had some chocolate cake too.

Today I have to battle through hellacious traffic to get to a 7:30 appointment for a abdominal ultra sound. But scheduling it early means getting out of the way first thing and have the rest of the day to do other stuff. Struggling through 25 or 30 miles of stop-move 7 inches-and stop again morning commuter traffic is worth that! And then it’s off to the closer coffee dealer to get my fix of morning joy!

How was your weekend?

Friday, October 7th, 2022
Friday Five

TGIF! Time to share five random things about our week, here’s mine:

  1. Yesterday was a frustrating day. Before I whine, we are getting way more done than not, so this is just griping about little things. But yesterday was dealing with the last services getting set up, and the two things giving us headaches are TV and the landline (Wizard wants it with our old landline number because his aging mom knows that number– that’s a danged good reason). But the day just brimmed with frustration and ended with me on hold for an hour and a half and the useless old phone company that never answered. We just want to import the old number, not buy a human heart on the black market. However,  we can live full and complete lives without the landline plus specific phone number so it’s minor but annoying.
  2. Maggie loves all the people coming to the house! It’s a party for her. We find her in the office staring out the window looking for more new friends. I love that for her. She also wants Wizard to take her to the mailbox every night after dinner. I soon learned why. Wizard was busy the other night, so I took her. I passed a guy who said, “Hi Maggie.” It figures, Maggie’s making friends in the neighborhood before me :-) It turns out she’d met the new neighbor on one of the nights Wizard had taken her to the mailbox. He was very nice, and I was impressed that he remembered Maggie’s name!
  3. In case anyone here has a wheat allergy and needs gluten free food items, let me just say you have my full sympathy! They aren’t that easy to find and very expensive! I only need to do this for a few weeks so it’s not too big a deal. But for those who live with a wheat allergy, hugs!
  4. Today, Biker Witch and I are going to lunch to celebrate her birthday. I’m so looking forward to that! We’re going to Cheesecake Factory, and I’ll make the best choices I can with the low fodmat diet but one meal isn’t going to hurt me. I usually can’t eat much anyway lately (but sometimes I can!). Wizard is encouraging me to get dessert, eat a few bites and bring home the rest and he’ll eat it. He’s helpful like that!!
  5. Turbo is coming about to see our house! Oldest son (his dad) told me I should have the movers on standby in case Turbo doesn’t approve and we have to move back. Ha! Not even for Turbo would I move again! But I’m really looking forward to having Turbo and his parents out. It’s Turbo’s mom’s birthday this weekend too, and Oldest son said she wanted red velvet cupcakes. I have a good recipe, now we’ll see if my oven is up to the job!

That’s my five, but I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has the best weekend ever!

Wednesday, October 5th, 2022
Maggie’s New Favorite Spot

Maggie has a new favorite spot!

This is her chair in the office. Ignore the clipped back sheet we’re using to cover the window — we’ve ordered window blinds and we should get them sometime before the month is over I hope. I’ll get around to organizing the bookshelves to the right of her soon (or not, LOLOL!) As soon as we cleared a space to put her chair in front of the window to the whole wide world, she was thrilled.

Well, at least she was until last night when she she saw a dog staring back at her and growled. I laughed so hard, she glared at me, got down and stalked into the other room just like a cat would. That only made me laugh harder (my kids are right, I am mean!) Um, Maggie, that’s YOU WERE GROWLING AT YOUR REFECTION IN THE WINDOW!!! What makes it even funnier is so far, she’s not barking or growling at anyone going by the window. Apparently she only barks at her own reflection.

Which I guess I kind of understand after all: Sometimes first thing in the morning, I growl at my reflection in the mirror too :-)

Maggie got into some trouble when she found a bag of trash one night. We don’t have the trash cans yet, so we foolishly set the bagged trash by the front gate. Seriously, Maggie rarely gets into anything she’s not supposed to, so we didn’t think about it as we should have. Anyhow, Maggie discovered it and was having a blast licking discarded meat packaging. UGH! Fortunately I realized really quickly that she’d been out of my sight too long, went out to check and caught her in the act. She saw me, ran half way to me then rolled over on her back in surrender. She’s so hard to be mad at! But I wasn’t really that upset about the mess, I was way more worried she’d get sick. Almost anything off her diet makes her sick. But somehow, raw meat juice that had been in the trash for a day didn’t bother her. Go figure.

So that’s Maggie’s adventures so far.

How’s your week going?

P.S. Happy Birthday to my favorite sister, Biker Witch! 

Sunday, October 2nd, 2022
Weekend Roundup

**I’m posting this on Sunday afternoon because it’s easier for me :-) 

It was a good weekend. Wizard is getting ready to start working on his garage, and I sorted boxes left to unpack into two closets: One for stuff that will need to be unpacked at some point, and the other for stuff we are storing like old photos and books. Of course there’s still lots to do, but it feels like the moving chaos has been tamed somewhat :-) Here’s a couple house pics:

This is the new house when we got the keys. It looks smaller from the front.

The kitchen before we moved in, with the dinning room on the left. We have a view of hills all around us.

The door on the right side of this shot leads to a large walk in pantry. It’s the first time I’ve ever had a walk in! We love it.


Wizard took this the first time I was getting ready to cook in there. I think I was looking up a recipe before I started.

That’s enough pics for now :-)

So other stuff that happened: Somehow we managed to go to Wizard’s reunion last weekend. It was fun, and I enjoyed seeing and meeting a lot of people. We were tired, but I was determined that we go. Wizard had talked about seeing old friends for months, and I really wanted him to go. I think the break was good for us too.

Then in the “caught by surprise” category, I went to the specialist for my stomach the day after we moved in. I have a bunch of tests which I expected, and then…I found out I have to go on a low FODMAT diet for a whole. I did NOT see that coming! I knew what it was, but it just hadn’t occurred to me that I’d have do the diet.  **Sigh.** If you don’t know what this diet is, it eliminate foods high in FODMATS which is anything good like wheat, dairy (I limit dairy now),  a lot of fruits and vegetables I really like, for six weeks. After than, you begin adding the foods back in to see what is a trigger.

Sound like fun???? NOT.

I pretty much ignored the diet last week, and will start thinking about it this week when I go grocery shopping. It really is important that I do all they are asking me so do so I can manage this condition better.

So that’s my weekend, how was yours?

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