Jennifer Lyon

Archive for December, 2023

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Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

Hi guys, it’s me, Maggie! My mom said I could show you what my friends gave me. Shh…my mom and Wizard think it’s for them, but just look at the very special present we found on our front porch!

It’s a rug with a picture of me!! It’s really me! I posed for a pic to show you how much I look like the dog on the rug! Even if Wizard was all hangry or something and said he needs to add gray to it to make it really look like me. He’s probably just jealous because our neighbors gave me a rug.

What do you think, does it look like me?

It sure is great to have nice neighbors (they are the ones who gave us lemons from their very first crop of their lemon tree), and they have two dogs, so obviously they are wonderful people!

Mom said to tell you all Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 11th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

It was a nice enough weekend :-)

Friday, we went to the Shelby Museum. We saw some cool cars, but it didn’t have any real energy to it. I suspect this location is more about events than catering to people who pay just to see the cars, but we enjoyed it. We did not, however, enjoy the traffic. A large cargo trailer had overturned on the opposite side of the freeway. Which happens when you try to pull something like that with a regular truck. Anyway it blocked three lanes and created a nightmare on that side, and way too much “lookie loo” traffic on our side. We took an alternate route home and all was well for us. As I understand it, no one was hurt in the accident, and that’s good too.

Saturday was all cleaning, organizing and errands for me. I think I made cookies too. I need a lot of organizing things for my kitchen and pantry, but when I start trying to figure it out, I get overwhelmed and do nothing :-) But I did what I could to semi-prep for baking. The rest I’ll worry about after the holidays.

Sunday, other than running by Youngest’s house for a few minutes, it was quiet. I had a long list of things I wanted to do, but my energy failed and I only got half way through that list :-). However, I’m not complaining! My brain is way too energetic for my body these days, and that’s okay. Better to have the drive and goals rather than do nothing. It just means my body insists on a slower day here and there.

All the major parts of my Christmas shopping is done and wrapped. But we are having back to back events the 23rd through 26th and I’m not sure how to juggle cooking (I’m bringing dishes or in one case, taking an entire dinner plus dessert), and the baking I’d like to do. I’ll figure it all out, and take some short cuts. Either way it’ll work out!

That was my weekend, how was yours?

Friday, December 8th, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF!! We are already a week into December, this year is racing toward 2024 now. With no time to waste, lets jump right into sharing five random things about our week:

  1. I made dairy and gluten free pumpkin cookies for youngest. He’d mentioned about 7 times he liked them, so I finally took the very subtle hint and made them. Cookies are my favorite things to make for smaller projects. But I miss making cakes and decorating them. I’ll get back to it this next year though, and I keep reminding myself of that.
  2. I’m not very happy with the Christmas cards I ordered, but I suspect most of it is user error — in other words, I didn’t design them very well using the vendor program to create the cards. So basically I’m annoyed at myself. I’ll shrug it off though, in the scheme of things we need to worry about, this one doesn’t even count, LOL.
  3. We went to a funeral this week and needed to pick up Wizard’s mom and her husband on the way. Traffic made us late, so they were going to drive themselves. We were stressed about that, but in a stroke of great luck, we managed to arrive at their house just as they were getting in the car to leave. That was a huge relief for us! The service was lovely. However, I’m a bit concerned about Wizard’s mom’, but given her age, that worry is pretty normal.
  4. Yesterday we went to his brothers (the one who passed) and got all his clothes packed up. It was just too hard for his wife, which is understandable. We took care of that, and as a bonus, I got to see their dog, Bailey! She’s such a sweetie. She and I are good friends now, and when we left, she watched us in the window. It was so cute. I wish I’d taken a picture of her, but I didn’t think of it at the time.
  5. Today we are going to try to go to the Shelby Museum in Irvine, CA, unless we’re both just too tired. Other than that, I don’t know exactly what we are doing this weekend. I’m hoping Wizard can go racing Sunday. It’d be good for him to hang out with some friends. I’m going to finish up some Christmas stuff and maybe plan out a fun holiday cake (per #1 above) if time and energy allows me to focus on it. This week was a bit of a drain, and it’d do us both good to slow down for a day or two and catch our breath a bit. On the other hand, life has a way of changing plans that keeps us hopping so we’ll see.

That’s my five — one of my New Years Hopes is to be less boring in blogs and life in general :-) Now I’d love to hear your five! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023
Wednesday Reading

I just finished listening to a nonfiction audiobook that I didn’t much care for, so I’ll ignore that one. Instead let’s talk about book I’m reading on Kindle and loving! It’s a fantasy called FOURTH WING by Rebecca Yarros. I tried to start it while camping, but my eyes wouldn’t cooperate so I set it aside. Then the other morning, I started reading it again and was hooked. I’m a bit more than half way through and wishing I had more time to read! (I have a reasonable amount of time — usually an hour in the morning and at night when I can read, so I’m just being greedy, LOL)

What I love about this book is that it’s about a group of young adults training to become dragon riders which catches my interest right away. The pacing is fast, the world building makes sense to me without being too detailed and cumbersome, but most of all I love the main character, and many of the secondary characters. I also hate the characters I’m supposed to hate in this story too, which makes it a more intense read. So far, the story is told is told in 1st person present tense, which I don’t usually care for, but it works here, at least for me.

And did I mention dragons? I love dragons :-)

So that’s what I’m reading, how about you?

Monday, December 4th, 2023
Weekend Roundup

So…this weekend happened. I can’t remember the exact order, but it went something like this:

— File boxes arrive. We’d ordered one set of four, and two of them came without latches. Sigh…but stuff happens, so we exchanged them and the company sent us a new set of four with NO latches. I’m done with them. One time is irritating but also understandable. But twice? Nope.

— In positive news: We got our Christmas tree up, I made sourdough bread, went for a hike in my new hiking boots and went to lunch with my friend which was awesome. I also got more shopping done, Christmas cards ordered, and I set up a wrapping station in one of our bedrooms to make it easier for Wizard and me.

–Two of my kids are in a “Who has the best outdoor Christmas Decorations” and is sending pics to our family test loop. I’m waiting to see what Middle Son does, he may ignore it or he’ll light up his entire city with decorations to win. It could go either way with him!

–Lastly here is Maggie (on her new blanket!) helping me open delivery boxes of Christmas gifts.

She loves tearing paper for about 15 seconds, then she’s done. She spits out all the paper out in a little pile. I never claimed she was normal!

But interspaced in all this we got some less than great news about a few people we love. One I think will be fine once the the cause is figured out, but it’s a little scary; one is worrisome but could still turn out okay; and the last was the mom of Wizard’s friend passing away. We’ll be going to that funeral on Wednesday.

That said, I’m grateful for all the good things in the weekend! I’m also grateful for the dairy-free chocolate I may or may not be stress eating, LOL!

How was your weekend?

Friday, December 1st, 2023
Friday Five

TGIF!! Is time going faster? This week just blew by! Okay time to share five random things about out week. Here’s mine:

  1. I have a chunk of Christmas shopping done! I still have one major person to buy for, and odds and ends. It’s a good start. However my brain is nagging the crap out of me to get it all done. I need to plan what holiday baking I can manage. I still haven’t found the magic elixir for energy I want to do.
  2. My walking app recorded over 49 miles for dedicated walking this month. That does not include six days when I either forgot to turn the app on, or we were traveling. Even if I do dedicated walks while traveling, I don’t turn on the app. So I’m happy with those numbers as long as my joints are tolerating it.
  3. For Cyber Monday, I bought Maggie a new uber fluffy sherpa blanket. She loves it! I really wanted to get a picture but this week has been a whirlwind. But it was so cool to see her so happy. Now if I could just get time to wash it and tame the fuzzies coming off it.
  4. Our neighbor brought us over some lemons off his lemon tree. They are the first crop from the trees he planted last Spring so it’s really cool. I made some gluten and dairy free lemon cookies I’m happy with using those lemons! Oh and I roll them in lemon sugar before baking (I made it using white sugar and fresh lemon zest pulsed it in my blender.). I like the effect though next time I’ll use less of the lemon sugar, I think I piled it on a bit thick :-)
  5. Yesterday I saw my sister for coffee and some shopping (I got some Christmas plates I’m using for gifts), and Sunday I’m finally seeing a friend for lunch. Both my friend and I had to cancel for illnesses and then deaths in the family a few times now, so fingers crossed this lunch happens!

That’s my five, now I’d love to hear yours! I hope everyone has a great weekend and isn’t too overwhelmed by the looming holiday and the crazy expectations we sometimes put on ourselves!

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